Athugið að birtar rannsóknir eru hér skráðar í tímaröð. Rannsóknir þessar tengjast starfsemi og/eða starfsfólki Ráðgjafar- og greiningarstöðvar. 

Jonsdóttir, SL., Saemundsen, E., Thorarinsdottir, EA. & Rafnsson, V. (2024). Evaluating screening for autism spectrum disorder using cluster randomization. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6855.

Helga Kristín Gestsdóttir og Inga Jóna Jónsdóttir. (2023). Samskiptafærni stjórnenda ríkisstofnana: Upplifun, reynsla og þarfir starfsfólks af samskiptum við stjórnendur. Tímarit Um viðskipti og efnahagsmál, 20(2), 51–70.

Guillon Q, Baduel S, Bejarano‐Martín Á, Canal-Bedia ., Magán‐Maganto M, Fernández‐Álvarez C, Martín-Cilleros M., Sánchez‐Gómez MC., García‐Primo P., Rose-Sweeney M., Boilson A., Linertová R., Roeyers H, Van der Paelt S, Schendel S, Warberg C, Cramer S, Narzisi A, Muratori F, Scattoni M., Moilanen I, Yliherva A, Saemundsen E, Jonsdottir SL, Efrim-Budisteanu M, Arghir A, Papuc SM, Vicente A, Rasga C, Kafka JX, Poustka L, Kothgassner OD, Kawa R, Pisula E, Sellers T, Posada de la Paz M, Rogé B. Determinants of satisfaction with the detection process of autism in Europe: Results from the ASDEU study. Autism, 2022;

Jonsdottir, S.L., Saemundsen, E., Jonsson, B.G., Rafnsson, V. Validation of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-up in a Population Sample of 30 Months Old Children in Iceland: A Prospective Approach.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-05053-1

Jonsdottir, S.L., Saemundsen, E., Gudmundsdottir, S.,  Gyda S.Haraldsdottir, Palsdottir, A. H.,  Rafnsson, V., Implementing an early detection program for autism in primary healthcare: Screening, education of healthcare professionals, referrals for diagnostic evaluation, and early intervention. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2020.

Thompson, J.R., Shaw, L.A., Shogren, K.A., Sigurðsson, T. og Stefánsdóttir, G. The Supports Intensity Scale Children’s Version–Icelandic Translation: Examining Measurement Properties. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2020. Sjá nánar hér. 

Sigurðardóttir, O., Leifsdóttir, K., Þórkelsson, Þ., Georgsdóttir, I. Þroski minnstu fyrirburanna á Íslandi 1988-2012. Læknablaðið, The Icelandic Medical Journal, 2020. 10.17992/lbl.2020.02.373. Sjá nánar hér. 

Delobel-Ayoub, M., Saemundsen, E., Gissler, M., Ego. A., Moilanen, I., Ebeling, H., Rafnsson, V., Klapouszczak, D., Thorsteinsson, E., Arnaldsdottir, K.M., Roge, B., Arnaud, C. & Schendel, D. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in 7– 9-Year Old Children in Denmark, Finland, France and Iceland: A Population-Based Registries Approach Whitin the ASDEU Project. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2020; 50:949-959, Sjá nánar hér.

Bejarano-Martín, Á., Canal-Bedia, R., Magán-Maganto, M., Fernández-Álvarez, C., Jónsdóttir, S.L., Saemundsen, E., Vicente, A., Café, C., Rasga, C., García-Primo, P., & Posada, M. Efficacy of focused social and communication intervention practices for young children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2020; 5:430-445, Sjá nánar hér

Bejarano-Martín Á, Canal-Bedia R, Magán-Maganto M, Fernández-Álvarez C, Saemundsen E, Jónsdóttir SL. et al. Early detection, diagnosis and intervention services for young children with autism spectrum disorder in the European union (ASDEU): Family and professional perspectives. Journal of Autism and Devlopmental Disorders, 2019. DOI:10.10077s10803-0319-04253-0. Sjá nánar hér.

Ólafsdóttir LB, Egilson ST, Árnadóttir U & Hardonk SC. Child and parent perspectives of life quality of children with physical impairments compared with non-disabled peers.  Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2018. Sjá nánar hér

Jónsdóttir SL, Brynjarsdóttir B, Saemundsen E, Sigurdsson JF. Long-term outcome of children with autism who received different forms of early intervention during their preschool years: a pilot study of 15 young adults. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. 2018. DOI: 10.21307/sjcapp-2018-006. Sjá nánar hér

Bjornsson BG, Saemundsen E, Njardvik U. A survey of Icelandic elementary school teachers´knowledge and views of autism - Implications for educational practices. Nordic Psychology. 2018. May 31. doi: 10.1080/19012276.2018.1480408. Sjá nánar hér

Gunnhildur Jakobsdóttir, Þóra Leósdóttir og Snæfríður Þóra Egilson (2017). Samfélagsþátttaka einhverfra barna: Viðhorf foreldra. Iðjuþjálfinn,  6-13. Sjá nánar hér

Magán-Maganto M, Jónsdóttir SL, Sánchez-García AB, García-Primo P, Hellendoorn A., Charman T,  Roeyers H, Dereu M, Moilanen I, Muratori F, Posada de la Paz M, Rogé B, Oosterling IJ, Yliherva A, Canal-Bedia R. Measurement Issues: Building a theoretical framework for autism spectrum disorders screening instruments in Europe. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2017 Dec. 22. doi:10.1111/camh.12256. [Epub ahead of print]. Sjá nánar hér

Delobel-Ayoub M, Klapouszczak D, van Bakel MME, Horridge K, Sigurdardottir S, Himmelmann K, Arnaud C. Prevalence and characteristics of autism spectrum disorders in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2017 Jul;59(7):738-742. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13436. Sjá nánar hér

Kawa R, Saemundsen E, Lóa Jónsdóttir S, Hellendoorn A, Lemcke S, Canal-Bedia R, García-Primo P, Moilanen I. European studies on prevalence and risk of autism spectrum disorders according to immigrant status-a review. Eur J Public Health. 2017 Feb 1;27(1):101-110. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckw206. Sjá nánar hér

Egilson ST, Ólafsdóttir LB, Leósdóttir T, Saemundsen E. Quality of life of high-functioning children and youth with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing peers: Self- and proxy-reports.  Autism, 2016; DOI: 10.1177/1362361316630881. Sjá nánar hér

Egilson ST, Jakobsdóttir G, Ólafsson K, Leósdóttir T. Community participation and environment of children with and without autism spectrum disorder: parent perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2016; DOI: 10.1080/11038128.2016.1198419. Sjá nánar hér

Arnkelsson G, Sigurdsson T. Validity of the Supports Intensity Scale for Adults With Motor Disability. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2016; 121:139-150 DOI10.1352/1944-7558-121.2.139. Sjá nánar hér

Magnúsdottir, K, Saemundsen, E, Einarsson, B L, Magnússon, P, Njardvik, U. The impact of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder on adaptive functioning in children diagnosed late with autism spectrum disorder - A comparative analysis. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders [Epub ahead of print] 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.rasd.2015.11.012. Sjá nánar hér.

Salomone, E, Beranová, S, Bonnet-Brilhault, F, Lauritsen, M B, Budisteanu, M, Buitelaar, J, ..., Jonsdottir, SL, et al. Use of early intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorder across Europe. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice. April 27 [Epub ahead of print] 2015. DOI: 10.1177/1362361315577218. Sjá nánar hér.

Petersen H,  Tulinius AT,  Georgsdottir I, Einarsson EJ, Patel M, Haraldsson A, et al. Decreased postural control in adolescents born with extremely low birth weight. Exp Brain Res 2015; 233:1651–1662 DOI 10.1007/s00221-015-4239-3 Sjá nánar hér.

de Bildt A, Sytema S, Zander E, Bölte S, ... Gudmundsdottir E, Johannsdottir S et al. Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) Algorithms for Toddlers and Young Preschoolers: Application in a Non-US Sample of 1,104 Children. J Autism Dev Disord 2015; DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2372-2. Sjá nánar hér.

Keenan, M, Dillenburger, K, Röttgers, HR, Dounavi, K, Jonsdottir, SL, Moderato, P, er al. Autism and ABA. The gulf between North America and Europe. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2014; DOI: 10.1007/s40489-014-0045-2. Sjá nánar hér.

Arnkelsson G, Sigurdsson T. The validity of the Supports Intensity Scale for adults with psychiatric disabilities. Res Dev Disabil 2014; DOI 10.1007/s40489-014-0045-2. Sjá nánar hér.

Snæfríður Þóra Egilson, Linda Björk Óalfsdóttir, Hólmdís Freyja Methúsalemsdóttir og Þóra Leósdóttir. Þýðingarferli og notkun lífsgæðamatslistans KIDSCREEN á Íslandi. Iðjuþjálfinn, 2013, (1) 28-33. Sjá nánar hér

Georgsdottir I, Haraldsson A, Dagbjartsson A. Behavior and well-being of extremely low birth weight teenagers in Iceland. Early Hum Dev  2013; 999–1003 doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2013.08.018

Methusamelsdottir HF, Egilson ST, Valdimarsdóttir UA, Georgsdottir I. Quality of life of adolescents born with extremely low birth weight. Acta Paediatr 2013;102(6):597-601.

Bakel MV, Einarsson I, Arnaud C, Craig S, Michelsen SI, Pildava S, et al. Monitoring the prevalence of severe intellectual disability in children across Europe: feasibility of a common database. Dev Med Child Neurol 2013; 361: DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12281

Saemundsen E, Magnússon P, Georgsdóttir I, Egilsson E, Rafnsson V. Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in an Icelandic birth cohort. BMJ Open 2013; 3:6 e002748 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002748.

Gudmundsson OO, Magnusson P, Saemundsen E, Lauth B, Baldursson G, Skarphedinsson G, et al. Psychiatric disorders in an urban sample of preschool children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2013; 18: 210–17.

Dahlseng M, Andersen G, Andrada M, Arnaud C, Balu R, ... Sigurdardottir S et al. Gastrostomy tube feeding of children with cerebral palsy: variation across six European Countries. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012; 54: 938-44.

Sellier E, Uldall P, Calado E, Sigurdardottir S, Torrioli MG, Platt MJ et al. Characteristics and trends in children born in 1976-1998. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 2012 16: 48-55.

Arnadottir U., Egilson ST. Evaluation of therapy services with the Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20): The perspectives of Icelandic parents of children with physical disability. J Child Health Care 2012; 16: 62-74.

Georgsdottir I, Erlingsdottir G, Hrafnkelsson B, Haraldsson A, Dagbjartsson A. Disabilities and health of extremely low-birthweight teenagers: a population based study. Acta Paediatr 2012; 101: 518-23.

Jonsdottir GM, Georgsdottir I, Haraldsson A, Hardardottir H, Thorkelsson T, Dagbjartsson A. Acta Survival and neurodevelopmental outcome of ELBW children at 5 years of age. Comparison of two cohorts born 10 years apart. Paediatr 2012; 101: 714-8.

Ingason A, Kirov G, Giegling I, Hansen T, ... Saemundsson E, Hreidarsson SJ, et al. Maternally derived microdublications at 15q11-q13: Implication of imprinted genes in psychotic illness. American Journal of Psychiatry 2011; 168: 408-17.

Jonsdottir SL, Saemundsen E, Antonsdottir IS., Sigurdardottir S, Olason D. Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder before or after the age of 6 years. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2011; 5: 175-84.

Sigurdardottir S, Vik T. Speech, expressive language, and verbal cognition of preschool children with cerebral palsy in Iceland. Dev Med Child Neurol 2011; 53: 74-80.

Sigurdardottir S, Indredavik MS, Eiriksdottir A, Einarsdottir K, Gudmundsson, HS, Vik T. Behavioural and emotional symptoms of preschool children with cerebral palsy: a population-based study. Dev Med Child Neurol 2010; 52: 1056-61.

Saemundsen E, Juliusson H, Hjaltested S, Gunnarsdottir T, Halldorsdottir T, Hreidarsson S, et al. Prevalence of autism in an urban population of adults with severe intellectual disabilities – A preliminary study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2010; 54: 727-35.

Sigurdardottir S, Thorkelsson T, Halldorssdottir M, Thorarensen O, Vik T. Trends in prevalence and characteristics of cerebral palsy among Icelandic children born 1990 to 2003. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2009; 51: 356-63.

Thorarinsdottir BK, Georgsdottir I, Johannsson JH, Dagbjartsson A. Litlir fyrirburar á Íslandi 1991-1995. Áhættuþættir fyrir burðarmáls- og nýburadauða. Læknablaðið 2009; 95: 107-11.

Saemundsen E, Ludvigsson P, Rafnsson V. Risk of autism after infantile spasms – A population based study nested in a cohort with seizures in the first year of life. Epilepsia 2008; 49: 1865-70.

Weiss LA, Yiping S, Korn JM, Arking DE, Miller DT, ... Saemundsen E, et al. Association between microdeletion and microduplication at 16p11.2 and autism. New England Journal of Medicine 2008;358: 667-75.

Sigurdardottir S, Eiriksdottir A, Gunnarsdottir E, Meintema M, Arnadottir U, Vik T. Cognitive profile in young Icelandic children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol 2008; 50: 357-62.

Magnússon, A.F.,Gould, D.D. Reduction of automatically-maintained self-injury using contingent equipment removal. Behavioral Interventions, 2007; 22, 57-68. DOI:10.1002/bin.231. Sjá nánar hér

Jonsdottir SL, Saemundsen E, Asmundsdóttir G, Hjartardottir S, Asgeirsdottir BB, ... Sigurdardottir S, et al. Follow-up of children diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders: Stability and change during the preschool years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2007;37: 1361-74.

Saemundsen E, Ludvigsson P, Rafnsson V. Autism spectrum disorders in children with a history of infantile spasms – A population based study. Journal of Child Neurology, 2007; 22: 1102-07.

Saemundsen E, Ludvigsson P, Hilmarsdottir I, Rafnsson V. Autism spectrum disorders  in children with seizures in the first year of life – A population based study. Epilepsia 2007; 48: 1724-30.

Leosdottir T, Egilson ST, Georgsdottir I. Performance of extremely low birthweight children at 5 years of age on the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 2005; 25: 59-72.

Georgsdottir I, Saemundsen E, Leosdottir T, Simonardottir S, Egilsson ST, Dagbjartsson A. Litlir fyrirburar á Íslandi. Niðurstöður þroskamælinga við fimm ára aldur. Læknablaðið, 2004; 90: 747-54.

Georgsdottir I, Saemundsen E, Simonardottir I, Halldorsson JG, Egilsson ST. Litlir fyrirburar á Íslandi. Heilsufar og þroski. Læknablaðið 2003; 89: 575-81.

Georgsdottir I, Dagbjartsson A. Litlir fyrirburar á Íslandi. Lífslíkur og fötlun. Læknablaðið 2003; 89: 299–302.

Saemundsen E, Magnusson P, Smari J, Sigurdardottir S. Autism diagnostic interview-revised and the Childhood autism rating scale: Convergence and discrepancy in diagnosing autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2003;33: 319-28.

Magnusson P, Saemundsen E. Prevalence of autism in Iceland. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2001; 3: 153-63.