Important to know
Please keep these things in mind before you bring your child for an assessment at the Counselling and Diagnostic Center (Ráðgjafar- og greiningarstöð - RGR).
Since interviews and assessments can be challenging for children it is important that they get enough sleep and are well rested.
Parents are asked not to change the child´s routine medicines, including medicines for ADHD and behaviour disorders.
What to bring
When a child comes for an assessment, it is important to bring necessary aids, such as glasses and hearing aids. If motor ability is to be assessed, it is important that the child is wearing comfortable clothes and brings a pair of sneakers. It is good to bring snacks for the child, especially on days with extended program.
If the child uses aids such as splints, walking aids, special chairs or pillows, communication aids or other equipment, it is important to bring them with you.
If you need to change the schedule
If the family for some reasons can not attend scheduled appointments, it is important to call the Center (Ráðgjafar- og greiningarstöð) ahead, tel. 510 8400
If you have any questions
If parents have other questions it is best to call or send an e-mail to the child’s contact person (tengill) at the Center. The name of the contact person is listed on the child´s schedule and in other letters from Ráðgjafar- og greiningarstöð.
Greiningar- og ráðgjafarstöð ríkisins, febrúar 2019